Venice Stone is highly resistant to most spillages encountered in the kitchen and bathroom. Routine maintenance should encompass daily wiping with a neutral detergent.
Venice Stone is highly resistant to:
- Acids
- Oils
- Beverages
- Coffee
- Tea
- Red Wine
However, there are a few precautions required to protect your Venice Stone surfaces:
- Do not use bleach for maintenance
- Do not use alkaline cleaning chemicals with a PH greater than 12
- Do not use Hydrofluoric Acid for maintenance
- Do not use Soda Ash for maintenance
- Do not use Paint Stripper for maintenance
- Do not use Oven Cleaner for maintenance
Under controlled conditions, the professional use of ACETONE TRITETRACHLORIDE and PAINT SOLVENTS are permitted, provided they are removed from the Venice Stone surface within 5 minutes of application with multiple rinses of clean water.